How to Grow a Rainbow  

Science Experiment 

Did you know that you can grow your own rainbow?  

The students of Room 14 did some exploring and investigating.

Unfortunately we were interrupted by Level 4 Lockdown and were unable to complete our observations and findings.

Here's what we explored on Friday 13th of August.

We used: • Kitchen roll/paper towel • Felt-tip pens • A bowl of water • Paperclip • a rubber band

What To Do: 
1. Cut the kitchen roll into the shape of a rainbow. 
2. At each end, use the felt-tip pens to colour a rainbow about 2cm up from the bottom.  Remember the order of the colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.  
3. Attach the paperclip to the top of the rainbow and tie a piece of thread to it. This  will allow you to hold your rainbow. 
4. Add water to the two bowls.  
5. Hold the rainbow with both ends slightly submerged into each bowl of water and  watch your rainbow grow. 


What To Do: 

This is what we observed !
Are we doing it right?

Yeah! It is happening!

We are being very patient, waiting for our rainbows to grow.


  1. WOW! What a super cool activity. I can see how much fun you all had doing this activity. I wonder what they would look lwhen they are dry. Super Cool I imagine. Thanks for sharing your awesome learing. Great work

  2. I am hoping some of you have decided to try this experiment at home during Lockdown. Really interested to see if your predictions came true

    1. Zeenya: yes we did we were really working hard to do these kind of experiments.


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